Thursday 5 July 2012

Eating Disorder Treatment For Anorexia

The cases of eating disorders are steadily increasing with more and more people, especially young adults, feeling pressured to attain perfection. These disorders may begin as a diet which reaches alarming proportions and sometimes even life threatening situations. Anorexia is one such disorder which is reaching epidemic proportions.

Benefit from Quality Treatment from Specialists in the Field

Anorexia Nervosa is a life threatening eating disorder which needs to be treated as soon as it is diagnosed. Eating disorder treatment for anorexia helps patients recover from this dangerous health condition. This treatment should be provided in association with an experienced specialist only and preferably in a specialized center. Effective Anorexia requires specific experience and knowledge because anorexia is not only a physical ailment, it is a psychiatric disorder.

Treatment entails psychological evaluation followed by therapy. Therapy may be outpatient, day treatment or residential treatment, depending on the severity of the disorder. It involves therapy sessions with nutritionists, specialists and psychologists. Patients are encouraged to partake in individual and group therapy sessions, as well as to meet and talk to other similarly affected people. Even the family is involved in the treatment in order to make the outcome of treatment more effective.

Important to Identify the Disorder as Early as Possible

The goal of the eating-disorder treatment for anorexia is to help the client develop healthy coping skills, and to help them develop a sense of self identity and a full life. This can be ensured by follow up sessions post treatment. Part of the difficulty of anorexia treatment lies in the fact that most people afflicted by anorexia minimize or deny that they have a problem. They often feel that the only way they can survive or function is through the anorexia. The treatment team must be compassionate and patient to help the client find motivation to give up the only way they know to cope. Through developing a collaborative caring relationship, clients can begin to see alternatives to their eating disorder.

Anorexia Treatment - Castlewood is a Residential Eating Disorder Treatment Center offering compassionate, professional treatment for bulimia, anorexia nervosa, compulsive over-eating and binge eating disorders.

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Something You Should Know About Treatment for Anorexia

Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by an irrational fear of gaining weight coupled with a relentless pursuit of becoming thin. Anorexia is usually seen in adolescents and young women although men and children are also likely to experience the condition. Due to the distorted view of one's body weight that anorexics suffer from, they resort to self starvation through dieting, fasting, and purging in order to continuously shed off pounds. By constantly losing weight, the anorexic gets a feeling of being successful and experiences a boost in self esteem. However, these gains are short lived and the anorexic soon finds out that it leads to great emotional pain, isolation, and physical damage. Thus, treatment for anorexia should be implemented at once to prevent further damage in different areas of the anorexic's life.

A treatment for anorexia is aimed at two basic goals - restoring healthy weight and establishing healthy eating habits. By achieving a healthy weight, people with anorexia can have better recovery for their bodies and minds enabling them to think more clearly and fight the urges brought about by anorexia.

Initial treatment for anorexia involves the help of a support team consisting of a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist or a licensed counselor, a medical health professional such as a doctor or a nurse, a registered dietitian, and the patient's family. These support groups are important in order to help the person with anorexia develop eating healthy habits and exercise patterns as well as to provide love and understanding throughout the treatment.

For those who are seriously underweight and who have been anorexic for too long that they already developed severe medical problems, treatment for anorexia has to be done in the hospital. Problems brought about by prolonged starvation may include dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, heart problems, and osteoporosis - all of which should be given immediate medical attention.

Anorexia Nervosa is a condition that can drastically change a person's life. But it need not lead to fatal results when it is given the right attention and treatment as soon as it is diagnosed.

For more information about Treatment for Anorexia, please go to Treatment for Eating Disorders.

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Defining, Understanding and Treating Anorexia

Anorexia was the first eating disorder to get widespread attention of the general public, because it has the highest mortality rate of all eating disorders. Anorexia is a severe emotional disorder, affecting the mind and damaging the heart and organ systems through starvation.

What causes anorexia?

This eating disorder develops from previously existing psychological problems, hallmarked by a fear of fatness and refusal to eat. The fear of gaining weight is so great, that it takes over and organizes one 's entire life.

How does anorexia manifest?

Because the problem is mainly psychological, reality is distorted and in the mind of an anorexic she appears fat, regardless of her actual weight. The only way that anorexics can manage their fear of fatness is by refusing to eat. This way, they gain a sense of control that becomes indispensable for their confidence and well-being. Anorexia ends up controlling both the mind and the body of those affected.

What are the symptoms of anorexia?

This dangerous eating disorder causes heartbeat irregularities, heart muscle damage, low blood pressure, convulsions, seizures, kidney damage or failure, liver damage or failure, fertility problems, loss of menstrual periods, loss of bone density, and other physical symptoms caused by starvation.

Anorexia nervosa, popularly known just as anorexia, is a very dangerous disorder, possibly with fatal consequences if it is not treated in time. Because it is a progressive disorder, without proper treatment and medical care, it just gets worse in time. The risk of death increases considerably as more time passes without treatment. It is particularly dangerous and life threatening because of the unique interaction between he body and the mind. People suffering from anorexia become imprisoned in their own body, as the psychological and physical factors work together and create a smaller and smaller world, with little left besides the disorder.

Treating anorexia is possible if the disorder is detected in due time, and it can provide a full recovery. The treatment involves a team of experts (nutritionists, psychologists, medical specialists) who work together for the proper recovery of the patient. Full recovery of anorexic patients takes time, usually years of physical and psychological therapy. In severe cases, with a high risk of death, part of the treatment will take place in protected environments, such as hospitals or treatment centers.

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